YouTube shorts algorithm

YouTube shorts algorithm

In this fast-changing world people want everything to be quick. The quicker, the better. Now we can see that there is a massive demand for short videos on YouTube. So, it is important to learn about the YouTube shorts algorithm.

People like to watch short videos which are having a duration from 25-30 seconds duration. Yet YouTube shorts can have a maximum duration of 60 seconds. Without further ado Let’s discover more regarding short videos and the algorithm in related to that.

YouTube shorts algorithm
YouTube shorts are short videos less than 60 seconds of duration.

What is the YouTube shorts algorithm?

YouTube shorts are short videos less than 60 seconds of duration. They are vertical videos that are being uploaded into the platform by directly filming using smartphones. They are similar to stories that are being uploaded into YouTube.

Why knowing YouTube shorts algorithm is essential?

YouTube short videos are very popular in these days. Millions of people watch short videos per day. so, learning about the algorithm will help you to grow your business through proper marketing.

YouTube shorts algorithm
grow your business!

YouTube users can search and watch Shorts on the YouTube homepage or through the Shorts tab on the website or app. YouTube Shorts are having the same recommendation signals as “long” YouTube videos.

Let’s uncover the facts that YouTube shorts algorithm take into consideration.

Watch Time

Watch time is a main factor considered in all short and long videos. Even though the duration of short videos is less, watch time is a very important factor. If the video only last 15 seconds and people do not stop by to watch the video, then you really have to concentrate on the content and how to present them within the given time.


The title, tags, content and the description should match the search term. In that case your videos will attain a maximum reach. Importantly your content should be of good quality so viewers find it interesting as well as you can get a load of positive feedback.

create high quality content.


When you create videos with high quality content you can increase engagement. The more people like and comment on your videos the more engagement you are going to accomplish.

Alike content

That means, just the same content the same audience like to watch. Then such videos are going to pop up next. So, you can create alike content to reach your targeted audience.

Watch history of the user

This concludes, what content the user has watched previously. The remaining short videos will pop up in accordance with the previous content you have watched over time.


This article provides you with information regarding YouTube shorts algorithm. Hope this was useful to understand more about how the algorithm works and the uses we can have through learning them. Have a nice day!


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