Types of LinkedIn Ads

types of LinkedIn ads

LinkedIn Ads can be really helpful to build brand awareness and also to generate leads. This can help you massively to grow your business. Therefore, learning about the types of LinkedIn ads can be really useful.

Without further ado, lets dive in and learn more about the types of LinkedIn ads.

LinkedIn ads
Types of LinkedIn ads

Lead generation forms

You can discover more qualified leads by using lead generation forms, which are accessible for sponsored content and messaging advertisements.

If you’re running a webinar, for instance, you could link a lead generation form to your CTA, which will automatically insert the profile information of your target viewers. Once that’s done, you can then download your leads from LinkedIn’s advertisements manager or link LinkedIn with your own CRM.

Single Image Ads

Single image advertisements are displayed on LinkedIn’s home page and resemble regular content postings, with the exception that they have been paid for and are marked as “promoted” to set them apart from other unpaid material. These advertisements only have one image.

Goals of this advertisements are lead generation, website visits, website engagement, brand exposure, and job applications.

Message Ads

A messaging ad is opened by more than one in two potential customers, which makes this format especially attractive to advertisers.

You can send a direct message to your audience’s inbox with this kind of advertisement, complete with a CTA.

Goals include lead generation, online conversions, and website visitors.

Types of LinkedIn ads
A message ad

Video Ads

You could promote thought leadership, emphasize the customer experience, introduce new items, provide an inside peek at the work environment, and anything else you can think of by using LinkedIn video advertising. This is a chance to show the story of your company rather than telling it.

The goal of this type of advertising is to gain more video views.

Text Ads

Text advertisements are simple to build up and can be carried out on a budget. These ads could be especially attractive for businesses looking for B2B leads because LinkedIn accounts for 80% of social media-based B2B leads.

Brand recognition, website traffic, and website conversions are the goals of this type of advertisements.

Conversation Ads

Your audience will be able to choose the response that works the best for them after the dialogue has begun. This kind of advertisement helps you to promote items and services while also promoting registration for events or webinars.

Brand recognition, website traffic, user engagement, website conversions, and lead creation are the goals of conversation ads.

types of LinkedIn ads
A conversation ad


In the following article we discussed about different types of LinkedIn ads to grow your business. You can choose what works best for you out of these, considering your goals. Hope this article was helpful. Have a nice day!

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