Online Lead Generation Strategies

Online lead generation strategies

Did you know? Generating leads and traffic is the major challenge faced by marketers at present. Therefore you must have an effective online lead generation strategy to stand out from the crowd.

In this article, you’ll explore the basics of lead generation and some effective strategies that can help your business thrive.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of collecting contact information of the potential customers of your business.

People won’t become customers right after the first encounter. You must provide value and build trust gradually so that they choose you when they are ready to buy.

But how to do that? Keep reading to find out.

From leads to customers

Fundamentals Of Online Lead Generation

Lead generation strategies differ from business to business. But there are 4 key crucial elements common to all strategies.

Let’s have a quick look at them.

Lead Magnet

Lead magnet is the offer.

Will you share your contact information without any value? No right. Same way your prospective leads expect something worthy to exchange their contact information. So provide a valuable offer related to your product or service.

Some of the offers include free trials, demos, newsletters, free tools, and free consults.

Offer varies with the business type, target audience, and their needs.

Landing page and form

A landing page is the page that your prospects land after clicking on the call to action(CTA) button of your offer.

The landing page contains the features and benefits of the offer plus the form to fill out to get the offer.

Keep the form fields to a minimum and use submit as the CTA button while designing your landing page.

Thank you page

The thank you page is the page that your prospect lands after submitting the form for the offer. A thank you page has the following features,

  • Confirm the transaction is complete.
  • Thank the customer for their interest in your services.
  • Provides the link or the instructions to get the offer.
  • Promote a secondary offer.
  • Track conversions.

Tracking and CRM

You must follow up with your leads to convert them to customers. For this, you must keep track of them. You should also understand the stage of the buyer’s journey they are in.

Use customer relationship management (CRM) or lead management software to keep track of your leads. Check out this free lead management software.

Strategies for Online Lead Generation

You know hoe to optimize the fundamentals of lead generation. Now let’s look at some more steps to attract quality leads.

Optimize your website

You must build at least one separate landing page for each of your target audiences. Explain the value and the unique features of your service to your customers through the landing page.

Use clear CTA buttons, chatbots, pop-ups, embedded forms, and sticky widgets to convert visitors to leads.

Your visitor’s intent is different on different pages of your website. Cater the pages accordingly. Here are some tips.

  • Include a CTA button for your main product/ service above the fold and a second lead-generating offer below the fold of your homepage.
  • Provide only a contact form on the Contact Us page.
  • Use CTAs to purchase the product/ service on your products or services page. You can also include live chat widgets to answer the questions that the buyer has.
  • Visitors to your blog posts have the intent to learn rather than buy. So include lower funnel lead magnets such as newsletter signups and guides.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO helps to improve organic rankings on relevant search engine result pages. When a prospect wants to solve a problem they type it on the search engine.

You can optimize your website, blog posts, and social media platforms so that your page appears at the top of the search engine. If your content solves the question of the visitor it is more likely that they’ll buy your products/ services.

Lead Generation strategies

Offer valuable content

Content is a great way to generate quality leads. Offer valuable, educational content for free.

Include the CTAs anywhere in your content such as the side panel, top of the post, bottom of the post, etc.

While creating content think about your target audience. What do they want? What are their pain points? If your content solves the pain points of the target audience, it’s more likely that they’ll click on the CTA.

Update your content regularly so that the customers return to your website For new information. Also include keywords that are related to your audience.

Remember content marketing is a long-term game.

Create a strong social media presence

Social media is a powerful lead-generation tool. It helps to make the right connections with the right people. Build a strong online networking across all channels.

Include CTAs in your social media posts, captions, stories, or on the bio.

Host webinars, contests, and giveaways

Contests and giveaways incentivize people to provide their contact details. When choosing giveaways you must choose the right price to attract your prospective customers.

For example if you give a cash price all types of people are going to participate in it. But if you provide a year of subscription free then only your prospective customers will participate in it.

Webinars are a good way to make a move to personal connections with your prospective customers. Host webinars that address the pain points of your target audience.

Remain Flexible in your lead generation strategies

Flexibility is the key to thriving in the competitive business world.

Keep on changing your lead generation strategies by analyzing the data you collect. Identify which method is the best for your business.

Use A/B split testing to check which landing pages, contents and CTAs work best. Experiment with different strategies till you find the best. Then keep improving it.

Ready to grow your leads?

To generate quality leads online, first, you have to optimize the four fundamentals of lead generation. They are the lead magnet, landing page, form, thank you page, and customer relationship management system.

Optimizing your website, search engine optimization, content marketing,  social media marketing, hosting webinars, and giveaways are some other methods to generate quality leads.

Create an effective lead generation strategy with the above tips.

Which strategies do you follow to generate leads online? Comment below.

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