How to Increase YouTube Views

It’s no secret how challenging it is to increase views on YouTube. The main reason is that YouTube is the second largest search engine and five hundred hours of content is being uploaded every minute.

Videos are a great content to reach the targeted audience nowadays. So, it is important to know more about YouTube and its activities.

Let’s explore more about YouTube videos and how to increase YouTube views!

Tips for increasing YouTube views

Choose an Interesting Title

The title should be very interesting so that people want to discover more. The proper title can draw audiences. But make sure you choose the proper title which is related to the content you are going to present.

A good title should make the audience clear about the content in the video and why they should click also what they can gain by watching the video.

Title length is a major factor for a good title. It is between 55 to 70 characters which is a perfect length. Also making the key words prominent within the title can improve the quality of the title.

Engage with the audience

It’s true that unlike other social media platforms, YouTube is a video sharing platform but that doesn’t mean you can’t interact with your audience as any other social media platform.

Any likes, shares, and comments have the potential to improve your YouTube views since the YouTube algorithm rewards videos with high interaction rates.

Build a meaningful relationship with the viewers by liking and responding to their comments and build a good comment section to discover the magic it has on your videos.

Be consistent

Be Consistent

Keep your channel up to date. If your channel looks outdated and empty, people will not want to visit your channel again. Provide them up to date contact info and upload quality content as much as possible.

Not only that but also your tone, fonts you use to channel icon, the formatting and designs you use should be consistent. Don’t forget to update your About section as well.

Enable Embedding

Enable embedding to make sharing your videos simpler. As a result, viewers can quickly copy and paste your video links onto websites, blogs and other places using a convenient piece of HTML code.

Go to YouTube Studio and select “Content” to turn embedding on. When you have chosen the video you wish to allow embedding for, click “Edit,” and then move the “Embedding” slider to the “On” position. All done!

plan a giveaway

Plan a giveaway

Viewers will be thrilled to get something for free. Plan a giveaway and ask the entrant to either like, comment, subscribe or to share your content. This can boost the views for your YouTube channel.

In this way you can also gain more subscribers who like your content. No worries one way or another a giveaway can be really beneficial for you and your audience as well.

Focus on Video Length

YouTube prioritize on watch time and session watch time. Session watch time is calculated when the audience watch one of your videos and then continue to watch more videos, which are either yours or someone else’s. The more people watch videos because of your content the more likely your ranking will be increased.

Video length plays a major role in this. If the length is more than 20 minutes, and if the audience find it boring the less time they will spend watching it. but if they watch half of it as average then average watch time is 10 minutes which is worth more than 5 short videos with 1 minute duration.

Managing time duration for a video in accordance to the content is a really important factor to gain more views.


This article provides information on How to Increase YouTube views and some Tips to improve views on your YouTube channel. Hope you find this article useful and were able to gain more knowledge. Have a nice day!


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