Landing page

landing page

Landing page is a crucial part in converting leads into loyal customers. They are a very essential part in your marketing campaign. Why?

According to research, companies with 10-15 landing pages typically get a 55% boost in conversions compared to those with less than 10 landing pages. Additionally, those with over 40 landing pages saw a conversion rate boost of over 500%. Therefore, a landing page is vital.

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page in marketing is the page that a visitor accesses after clicking on an email link, a promotional link, or a digital advertisement from Google, Bing, YouTube, or another similar online site.

In contrast to homepages and other web pages, they provide a variety of offers and are designed to be browsed. A landing page is a separate page that is dedicated to a single objective and is not tied to the website’s navigation.

Types of Landing pages

Five different page forms are included by the phrase “landing page”.

  • Squeeze page
  • Splash page
  • Lead capture page
  • Click-through page
  • Sales page

Which one you design will depend on your objectives and the stage of the buyer’s cycle at which your prospects are. A squeeze page will be significantly more successful than a sales page. If it is placed at the top of your funnel since it will convert its visitors much more frequently. So without further ado, let’s explore landing pages.

Squeeze page

Both you and your prospects are uncertain at the top of your marketing funnel. At that time, neither you nor them are certain that they are sincerely interested in your offering. They are unsure that you are the best answer to their issue.

Squeeze pages are incredibly helpful at the top of your funnel. As these types of landing pages gather emails of prospects. With this information, you can start a lead-nurturing project.

Splash page

Prospects typically assume that when they click on a sponsored advertisement, they will be sent to a landing page where they may review your offer. With a splash page, that is not the case.

Instead, visitors are led by you, the advertiser, to a splash page for one of several reasons.

Among a splash page’s objectives might be:

  • To increase conversion
  • in order to announce
  • To enable users to select their preferred method of engaging with your website (for example, language preference)
landing page

Lead capture page

Among the five landing page kinds, are the most adaptable and frequently utilized. You may use them at the funnel’s top, center, and bottom. Their form, which every lead capture page requires to complete its task of capturing leads, is what sets them apart from other landing page kinds.

However, top-of-funnel lead capture landing pages often just request the data necessary for your team to launch a lead nurturing program.

Click-through landing page

The bottom of your funnel is where click-through landing pages are most beneficial for preparing your leads for an especially demanding offer.These pages are useful in any stage. Yet mainly they come into use, before sites including credit card form. Which is known to be theĀ  fictionist element in the marketing world.

This style of landing page enables users to read persuading content about an offer without being repelled by the scary “buy” button. If and when they click through, they are sent to a website where they may fill out a form to claim the offer.

Sales page

The sales page is the most challenging sort of landing page to achieve correctly since it targets the conversion that is most important to marketers and disturbing to visitors: the sale.

The main objective is to increase conversions and sales for a specific good, service, or offer. Sales pages are a crucial component of digital marketing and are frequently used in direct-response marketing campaigns, online courses, and software sales.


In the above article we discussed about landing pages, what they are and various types of landing pages. The type you choose can vary according to your objective. Hope this article was useful for you. Have a nice day!

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