
Live streaming

Live streaming

Live streaming is a very popular way of connecting with your audience nowadays. Therefore, this particular sector is experiencing an extraordinary surge. The global live-streaming market grew at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.6%. From $1.24 billion in 2022 to $1.49 billion in 2023, according to ResearchandMarkets’ Live Streaming Global Market Report 2023.

live streaming
live streaming

What is a live streaming platform?

You can present live video footage to an online audience using broadcasting networks. These platforms’ core features let you to share live experiences, events, or information with an online audience, rather than posting recordings that have already been recorded.

On these video sites, you can watch a wide range of activities. Including sporting events, music concerts, educational lectures, and gaming sessions. Additionally, they offer interactive audience engagement tools like virtual gifts, comments, and likes that let your audience communicate with you.

How to pick your ideal live streaming service?

Many platforms provide live content streaming. Most provide you with a seamless launch and provide basic analytics and embedding features. When evaluating alternatives for your broadcasting approach, bear the following points in mind:

Align your audience with the platform you use

A lot of live streamers diffuse their efforts too thinly and broadcast on too many platforms. You can boost the efficacy of your live broadcast and build a more devoted and familiar audience by concentrating on just one platform. Better viewer engagement is made possible by the ease with which viewers may interact.

It’s critical to select a platform that aligns with the demographics of your target audience, which may be determined by competitive intelligence and previous live streaming data. Instead of copying your rivals, try out one broadcasting platform at a time to measure interaction before moving on to others.

Targeted audience
Align your audience with the platform you use

Consider your target audience

Understanding your audience extends beyond simple demographics and is essential to producing informative material. Analyse their problems, concerns, and feelings in order to produce material that relates to them and to select a live streaming service that would provide the best possible experience.

Learn what they’ve tried and why it didn’t satisfy their needs. Whether it’s for entertainment or education, you can better understand why people watch live broadcasts if you provide material that lives up to their expectations. By asking the appropriate questions, you may enhance the intimacy and value of your live feeds.

Identify what you want to accomplish

Once you have identified your target audience, you can define goals that correspond with what they anticipate from a live broadcast, giving your engagement efforts a framework. Segment categories to solve specific difficulties and create live broadcasts that address the major needs of your audience.

To effectively design your content strategy, it is important to understand where your audience is in the sales funnel—from problem-unaware to ready-to-buy. Depending on where your funnel is in the funnel, you will have different objectives. However, material that is at the top of the funnel (TOFU) is essential for drawing in new viewers who are just beginning to recognize their issues.

Best live streaming platforms


In the above article we discussed about the importance of live streaming in marketing, what live streaming is and how to pick the best broadcasting platform for you. Hope this article was useful to you! Have a nice day!

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